Friday, November 20, 2009

Oh, how life has changed for the better..

Mommy writing now...

I left Maggie alone with her dad for the first time last night. My former boss, who is also a very good friend, had a gettogether to celebrate her new career move and had invited the whole old gang of co-workers for happy hour. It felt important to go, but with extremely mixed emotions about leaving Maggie. But, the restaurant was around the corner from where we live and I had pumped for 3(!) feedings and her dad was with her. Everything should be juuust fine.

It was so nice to dress up, do my hair and put make-up on after 9 months in sweats and a pony tail. It felt great to be with friends and talk about non-baby stuff. I had half a glass of the most delicious red wine. It felt wonderful. For about an hour when I could no longer not think about Maggie. By that time I was in the car on my way home, my hands and whole body practically itching to see her.

I am so glad I went out and I am proud of myself that I did. It is important to have adult conversation and to stay social even though we have a kid now.
But it does not compare, and nothing does, to holding my daughter, kissing her forehead, smelling her skin and watch her sleep safely in my arms.


  1. Va härligt att du gav dig ut. Det är viktigt om så bara för ett par timmar. Just nu längtar jag MASSOR efter att få klä upp mig sminka mig och känna mig lite fräsch, och så såklart sippa på lite fint rödvin på en mysig restaurang! Nice!

  2. Det är verkligen viktigt tycker jag att man går ut lite då och då. Häromdagen var jag och Susanne på Fado (ypc) och då var det en tjej som undrade om vi var nya i Chicago eftersom hon aldrig hade sett oss förr...så går det när man skaffar barn..hahahha:-)

  3. If you wanted to kiss my forehead and smell my skin on the drive home you could have just said so. Thanks for letting me play with Maggie before we left.
